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FTR and GPS-Triggered apps as Education Tool

June 30, 2020 This summer, the students in the department of Digital Humanities at King’s Collage London UK, will get to explore Forest Talk Radio and my approach to “locative storytelling” during a course called Locative Media for Earthlings in a Changing World. Strange title for a class, but I get it! Perhaps this will lead to some artistic collaboration in future projects! I am looking forward to the opportunity.

David Merleau here…

May 20, 2020 …writer and producer of Forest Talk Radio. Forest Talk Radio is an app that tunes you in to radio stations broadcasting from forests! Some stations are human made, and some are created by the trees themselves! Who knew walking through the wilderness could be so entertaining! As you can see, we are in the process of updating our website. Do you want to reach out? Send us ….  Read More